Healing Modalities

ʺEnergetic Healing …. Vibrational? … Chakra? … ʹSoulʹ Healing?
What are those?  What are the differences?

Spiritual Healing? … Subtle Energy Healing? … Chakra Cleansing?
What does it all mean?  Is this a religious practice?

Fine questions!

In working with my marketing folks and for the marketing work you’ll read, below, I´m finding it important to cut through the confusion and clarify things. All the words, all the ‘titles’, all the methods and modalities named above and so many more are all attempts at defining or describing healing work based on the root principle that ‘we’ are … ALL … vibrational (spiritual) beings currently having a physical life experience.

As such, we are products of our higher selves’ multidimensional streaming consciousness, that streaming vibration (a part of our soul) giving rise to the physical body and our immersive experience, here in the physical.
What streams to us is spiritual nourishment, inspiration, thoughts, health, instincts, ideas,… all arising from our Higher Spiritual Selves. More easily envisioned in familiar terms …. our physical selves are the ‘app’ …. … and our ‘Higher Selves’ are the ‘cloud’.’
As long as our spiritual connection is open and unencumbered, all remains largely in balance. When we pinch ourselves off from that stream of spiritual nourishment, changes begin to happen within our energetic field. If left unbalanced and unresolved, they become more and more pronounced, with noticeable mental and emotional effects, eventually affecting the physical body, as well.
My work is non-religious, but entirely spiritually based. There is no doctrine or dogma, but that of clearing resistance and assisting you in attaining your highest balance and harmony.
As I’ve seen in my own life, and in that of my family, working from this level can accomplish truly great things with lasting, transformative effects, … … ‘if you’re ready … …’

If you feel called to this work,

I look forward to working with you.ʺ

R. Lee Berry MD

“ Energetic Healing …. Vibrational … Chakra … ‘Soul’ Healing. What are those? What are the differences?

Spiritual Healing? … Subtle energy Healing? …. Chakra Cleansing? What does it all mean?
Is this a religious practice?

Fine questions!
In working with my marketing folks and for the marketing work you’ll read, below, I’m finding it important to cut through the confusion, clarify things and get to the point. All the words, all the ‘titles’, all the methods and modalities named above and so many more are all attempts at defining or describing healing work based on the root principle that ‘we’ are … ALL … vibrational (spiritual) beings currently having a physical life experience.
As such, we are products of our higher selves’ multidimensional streaming consciousness, that streaming vibration (a part of our soul) giving rise to the physical body and our immersive experience, here in the physical.
What streams to us is spiritual nourishment, inspiration, thoughts, health, instincts, ideas,… all arising from our Higher Spiritual Selves. More easily envisioned in familiar terms …. our physical selves are the ‘app’ …. … and our ‘Higher Selves’ are the ‘cloud’.’
As long as our spiritual connection is open and unencumbered, all remains largely in balance. When we pinch ourselves off from that stream of spiritual nourishment, changes begin to happen within our energetic field. If left unbalanced and unresolved, they become more and more pronounced, with noticeable mental and emotional effects, eventually affecting the physical body, as well.
My work is non-religious, but entirely spiritually based. There is no doctrine or dogma, but that of clearing resistance and assisting you in attaining your highest balance and harmony.
As I’ve seen in my own life, and in that of my family, working from this level can accomplish truly great things with lasting, transformative effects, … … ‘if you’re ready … …’
If you feel called to this work, as I did, …
I look forward to working with you.
R. Lee Berry MD “